Alchemy South

Inner Authority


Emotional Authority: Emotional Waves Guide Us

Our emotions are not just primal reactions. In fact, our emotions and emotional waves are sophisticated signals from our deepest truths and life purpose. Do you notice when yours are speaking?

How Does an Emotional Authority Work?

If your Solar Plexus Center is defined (colored in) on your bodygraph, you have an Emotional Authority. Four of the five Energy Types can have an Emotional Authority. About 47% of the population has an emotional authority. This includes: Generators, Manifesting Generators, Manifestors, and Projectors. Reflectors will always have no defined Inner Authority.

With an Emotional Authority, decisions are best made over a period of time. Waiting allows emotional waves to ebb and flow. As your emotional wave levels out, clarity and perspective rise up.

Specifically, with a emotional authority, you are designed to make a decision when you have clarity. Decide after your emotional wave levels out. You are meant to trust the natural, emotional process. Don’t try to make decisions in a rush!

The Emotional Wave: Three Phases

  1. Experience: emotional response to a situation, ranges from subtle to intense, anything along the spectrum is normal.
  2. Reflect: Give yourself time. It may take anywhere from minutes to weeks for an emotional wave to level off. Specifically, don’t rush the process. As emotional waves subside, perspective evolves.
  3. Clarity: when clarity emerges from within, trust it, and move forward.

For Whom Is It Meant? Emotional Authority is present in those whose Human Design chart indicates that the Solar Plexus Center is defined. It’s not just about being emotional; it’s about recognizing that your emotions carry wisdom and guidance.

Living with Emotional Authority

  • Patience Is Key: Learn to be comfortable in the waiting period before a decision feels clear.
  • Trust Your Emotional Journey: Your emotions are not an obstacle, but a path to truth.
  • Communication: Share with others that you need time to process your feelings for clear decision-making.

Your Human Design is a useful guide as you experiment in life. As decisions come up, start consciously observing your emotional process and honoring the decisions it makes. This is a powerful practice for making decisions that are “right” for you. As in any experiment, observe the results. Adjust as you go. Seriously, see how it feels to be living your design!

Overthinking isn’t logic

Intellectualizing your emotions may lead to overthinking and anxiety. Practice accepting and understanding your emotions…not explaining or justifying them…to find the clarity you need.

Tips for Emotional Authority in Human Design

For someone with Emotional Authority, here are some pieces of advice:

  1. You Can’t Rush Clarity: emotional clarity takes time. It’s not fast like the gut (Sacral) or Splenic authority. You’re meant to take your time! Ride out your “emotional wave” before making important decisions. This means don’t try to decide in the midst of emotional highs or lows.
  2. No Impulsive Decisions: spontaneous or impulsive decisions may not be in your best interest. Give yourself time. Rather, set a personal rule that your never decide big things in small timeframes.
  3. Trust Your Process: Your emotions have a rhythm. They aren’t an obstacle. In fact, they are your best tool for clarity!
  4. Communicate: Firstly, let others know that you need time before making decisions. People might expect immediate answers. So, tell them you’ll get back to them once you’ve had time to process.
  5. Journaling: Keeping a journal can help track your emotional waves and provide clarity over time.
  6. Avoid Suppressing Emotions: Let your emotions flow. In fact, suppression can lead to confusion and cloudiness. Engage in activities that help you express and release emotions: something artistic, writing, cooking, building, making, or movement.
  7. Meditation / Mindfulness: Practicing stillness helps us observe our emotions with more objectivity. Regardless of your spiritual practice, mediation / prayer / stillness can bring benefits.
  8. Understand Your Chart: In Human Design, the entirety of your chart adds context to how your Emotional Authority functions best. Basically, dive deeper into your chart to understand the nuances of your emotional world. Book a 1-on-1 chart reading to understand more about your chart.
  9. Accept Your Process: Everyone’s decision-making process is unique. Embrace your emotional depth.

Human Design is a tool for self-understanding and experimentation. It’s a guidebook – not a rule book! Trust yourself and your unique process!

What is an "Inner Authority"?

In Human Design, the Inner Authority acts as our internal guidance system. It guides us in making the “right” decisions. “Right” means something that is an aligned use of our energy. Think of it as a step in the right direction for our wellness, purpose, and goals.

The Inner Authority bypasses the logical mind completely. It relies solely on the body’s unconscious responses.

of the world has Emotional Authority
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Which energy center(s) define Emotional authority?

Which Energy Types can have Emotional Authority?

Let's Explore Your Chart

Your Human Design chart is filled with information to navigate life, free your true self, and embrace your unique strengths. Kick start your journey with a professional chart analysis.