Alchemy South

Inner Authority

Heart / Egoic

Listen to your heart! With a Heart / Egoic Authority, if your heart is not all-in, get out. With your defined heart (aka “ego” or “will”) center, you are naturally tuned in and connected to your will and motivation. Trust the direction your heart/ego center is leading you.

To determine the heart/ego/will center as your inner authority, a lot of other centers need to remain undefined. Specifically, your solar plexus, sacral, splenic, and root center are all undefined. Heart and Egoic authority is only a possibility for Projectors and Manifestors.

What is an "Inner Authority"?

In Human Design, the Inner Authority acts as our internal guidance system. It guides us in making the “right” decisions. “Right” means something that is an aligned use of our energy. Think of it as a step in the right direction for our wellness, purpose, and goals.

The Inner Authority bypasses the logical mind completely. It relies solely on the body’s unconscious responses.

of the world has Heart / Egoic Authority
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Which energy center(s) define Heart / Egoic authority?

Which Energy Types can have Heart / Egoic Authority?

Let's Explore Your Chart

Your Human Design chart is filled with information to navigate life, free your true self, and embrace your unique strengths. Kick start your journey with a professional chart analysis.