Alchemy South

Inner Authority

Mental / Environmental

The Mental Authority is unique to just one energy type. With this inner authority, you would be a “Mental Projector“. “Mental Authority” makes it sound like it’s all about your mind. However, it’s more about processing your overall environment – the physical space and the people around you. You are sensitive to the emotions, motivations, fears, and pressures around you. Basically, your environment is supposed to impact your decisions. Uniquely, your situational sensitivity is part of your superpower!

Mental Authority: Unique and Rare

You’re unique! You are part of the world’s 2% with Mental / Environmental Authority. This means 98% makes decisions differently from you. Additionally, it means you may have been conditioned to make decisions like everyone else.

The Mental Authority in Human Design is a very unique decision-making process. Only a small percentage of the population shares this Inner Authority. Obviously, you process decisions differently from 98% of the world. Is this a surprise? Or does that track?

Here are some of the key points for this unique Inner Authority in Human Design:

  1. Confidence in Your Inner World: Individuals with Mental Inner Authority may rely heavily on their thought processes to make decisions. They often need to think things through thoroughly before coming to a conclusion.
  2. Importance of Communication: Verbalizing thoughts or discussing options with others is crucial. It helps these individuals to process their thoughts and feelings more clearly.
  3. Absence of Strong “Gut Feelings“: Unlike other authorities such as Sacral or Splenic, the Mental Inner Authority does not have a strong “gut feeling” or intuition to guide decisions.
  4. “Vibe Check”Your Environment: Your environment plays an important role in your decision-making process. Being in the “wrong” place or around the “wrong” people can greatly influence the clarity of your thoughts.
  5. Patience: Make rushed decisions is not how you decide best. So, it’s essential for people with this inner authority to take their time to think things, sense, and discuss their options.
  6. Clarity Over Time: Clarity often comes over time, after reflecting on and discussing various aspects of a decision.

Why is this Inner Authority So Rare?

Since this authority is not common and is specific to people who have:

Logically, this inner authority appears to have a more thoughtful and communicative approach to decisions. In contrast, Emotional Authority leads the decision-making process of 47% of the world. Meaning, they rely on processing their emotions and feelings before making decisions.

Making Decisions with a Mental Authority

Your best decisions will benefit from a “vibe check”, so to speak. Get in a space where you feel like “yourself” and balanced. If you feel affected by the people or environment around you, this isn’t the time to make an important decision. Neither the wrong place, nor the wrong people help your decision-making process.

Mental Authority Projectors may enjoy talking things through with the people around them. However, guidance or advice from others isn’t how you are wired to decide. Instead, listen to yourself talking about the decision. Ultimately, the act of discussion and hearing your self talk about it will bring clarity to decisions. Don’t feel rushed by the 46% of the world designed to make quick decisions. Sacral and Splenic Inner Authorities make decisions instantly. Take your time to find clarity before making decisions.

What is an "Inner Authority"?

In Human Design, the Inner Authority acts as our internal guidance system. It guides us in making the “right” decisions. “Right” means something that is an aligned use of our energy. Think of it as a step in the right direction for our wellness, purpose, and goals.

The Inner Authority bypasses the logical mind completely. It relies solely on the body’s unconscious responses.

of the world has Mental / Environmental Authority
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Which energy center(s) define Mental / Environmental authority?

Which Energy Types can have Mental / Environmental Authority?

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