“Splenic Authority” sounds odd, and it is. This unique inner authority goes against what the world typically values as “sane”. If this is your inner authority, understanding it may change your life. I think of the mysterious, misunderstood Splenic Authority as the “manic pixie dream girl” of Human Design. This inner authority is lead by intuition and instinct. It’s trademarks include: instantaneous knowing, spontaneity, and inexplicable decisions.
The Most Misunderstood Inner Authority?
Naturally, the mysterious, spontaneous, intuitive splenic decision-making center can feel confusing to the 89% of the world who is wired differently. Of that 89%, over half (47%) has an Emotional Authority and needs time to make decisions. When 47% of the world relies on time and patience for clarity, the instantaneous, seemingly unfounded splenic decisions seem reckless.
To a non-Splenic Authority, the intuitive nature of the splenic center appears “fast and flighty”. As a result, many Splenic Authorities are conditioned to doubt their intuition and have been trained to ignore their intuitive “pings” sent by their splenic center.
Your Splenic Center Has Your Back
The splenic center has one main purpose: keep us alive. Our survival instincts fuel the Splenic awareness center. Specifically, when our splenic center speaks, it is communicating. It’s telling us what environments, people, places, foods, directions, and opportunities are good/safe for us. Basically, the splenic center is a survivor! Continuously tuned into the world around you, this energy center is always “on”. “Constant vigilance!” It will alert us when a decision is going to lead us off-path…sometimes this “warning” comes at the very last second.
To make the best decisions for you, trust your intuitive FIRST impression – not the thoughts that come after it. Uniquely, you are designed to make your best decisions in the moment, instantly. No, you don’t need to “think about it” or “sleep on it” like others. Your intuition and instinct will tell you whether or not something/someone is right for you. It may feel easier to hear your intuition when in your own energy and unaffected by outside influences.
What Defines Splenic Authority in Human Design?
Only 10.64% of the world has Splenic Authority! Do you? So, in order to have a Splenic Authority, you must have all three of these criteria:
- defined (colored in on your chart) Splenic Center, AND
- undefined (white, uncolored on your chart) Sacral Center, AND
- undefined (white, uncolored on your chart) Emotional Solar Plexus Center