Alchemy South


Single Definition

Learn about Single Definition in Human Design

In your bodygraph chart, all your defined energy centers (the colored in ones) are connected to each other. What does this mean?

Energy and your gifts flow constantly and consistently between your defined centers. This helps you to process information faster and self-sufficiently. About 41.5% of the world had single definition.

This isn’t the case for 57% of the world who have a “split” definition. People with a Split definition may need to be around others to gain the single definition you a wired with. (The remaining 1.5% of people are Reflectors and have no defined energy centers, and therefore no definition.)

% of Population with Single Definition

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Let's Explore Your Chart

Your Human Design chart is filled with information to navigate life, free your true self, and embrace your unique strengths. Kick start your journey with a professional chart analysis.