Alchemy South


Manifesting Generator



The goal is to ensure your energy is going to the right places and you’re making decisions that are correct for you. To make aligned decisions, you want to wait for your Sacral to respond to any kind of signal, situation or person. This means you are not be designed to take the initiative. You are designed to respond to initiatives you encounter. The response may come in the form of an involuntary sound (ex: ooh!), internal feeling (ex: excitement), or unconscious movement (ex: jumping up).

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Signature Theme


When you are on the right track, what you feel is a huge sense of satisfaction, pure and simple satisfaction. You enjoy what you are doing, the time flies by, you feel good about how you have spent your time and efforts. Think of Satisfaction as a green flag that you’re making choices that are aligned with your inner authority and putting your energy in the right places. Good work, Manifesting Generator!

Not-Self Theme


Frustration is the signal that you are off track and that you are committing your energy in the wrong way and to things that aren’t correct for you. You may feel drained, without energy to work, without strength, exhausted, as if you have run out of battery. The feeling of Frustration is your red flag, Manifesting Generator! It is your body’s way of signaling that something’s off. Frustration will build up when you are making decisions without following your inner authority, giving your energy to places that do not light you up, or you’re simply not encountering enough things that actually light you up inside. Frustration is an invitation to observe your life and see what changes may need to be made. You deserve to feel more satisfaction and less frustration!

human design bodygraph chart readings and reports with Mariana


What Makes Me a Manifesting Generator?

Like Generators, Manifesting Generators have a defined Sacral center, the source of life-force energy. Additionally, Manifesting Generators will have a defined (colored in) Throat center directly connected to their Emotional Solar Plexus or Heart/Will Center. The presence of a defined throat means you are meant to communicate the energies connected to your throat center. For example, if you throat is connected to your Emotional Solar Plexus, you are meant to communicate and verbalize your emotions. All Manifesting Generators will also have either an Emotional or Sacral Authority.

Manifesting Generator

Sleep Tips

Manifesting Generators should go to bed before they are tired in order to fully restore their sacral energy during sleep – like putting their phone on the charger. Before falling asleep, Manifesting Generators need to wind-down and use up the energy in their sacral center. By making sure their “battery” is drained before recharging, they will experience a better quality of “charge” for the next day.

Like Projectors, sleeping solo is ideal for you. Being alone in your aura while you sleep helps to rebalance your energy overnight.


How is a Manifesting Generator conditioned?

Coming Soon

Let's Explore Your Chart

Your Human Design chart is filled with information to navigate life, free your true self, and embrace your unique strengths. Kick start your journey with a professional chart analysis.