As a Manifestor, your energetic Strategy is to “inform”. Energetically speaking, the big energy you carry and the closed nature of your aura can feel like a powerful and unknown mystery to others – like a large apex predator. “Informing” helps communicate your moves and intentions to the ones around you who feel your energy but do not understand it. To make sure you enter situations that are correct for you, before taking action and moving, pause a moment to think about who will be affected by that action. Inform them of what you are going to do or not do. Communication dispels resistance.
of the Population
Signature Theme
When you are on the right track, what you feel is a great sense of peace both with yourself and with others. Everything flows smoothly and without resistance, you feel free to be, do and say what you want without causing misunderstandings..
Anger is your “red flag”, Manifestor. Feeling anger is your body’s way of trying to get your attention and let you know you’re off track. Are you are showing up in a way that’s not true to who you are? Are you preventing yourself from doing and saying things the way you want to in order not to upset or hurt others? Are you sacrificing your freedom? You may feel exhausted, without the strength to go on, without emotion, and dead inside. Pay attention: you have changes to make, responsibilities to shed, and routes to remap.
Manifestors have an undefined Sacral center + a motor center (such as the Root, Solar Plexus, or Heart (Ego) center) connected to a defined Throat center.
Your Human Design chart is filled with information to navigate life, free your true self, and embrace your unique strengths. Kick start your journey with a professional chart analysis.