A Projector’s Aura penetrates into the auras of others, seeing clearly into the others around them. This intense, laser-type focus can be uncomfortable for others…unless they have invited the Projector’s focus. For this reason, a Projector’s Strategy is to “Wait for the Invitation”. This is literally waiting for an invitation to use their focus, insight, gifts, and wisdom for others. If you have ever felt like someone could “see into your soul”, you may have met a Projector.
For Projectors, their need to wait for an invitation can feel like a handicap. This feels limiting until they fully understand the nature of their unique strategy. As non-energy types, the Projector’s own energy is in limited supply. While Projectors may be excellent guides of others’ energies, we are conservers of our own energy.
Waiting for an Invitation can feel excruciating – especially when we can clearly see where our guidance and gifts can benefit others! The Projector waiting time is not about sitting in silent frustration, it’s about using this time for ourselves. The waiting period is a time to continue learning what interests us, studying, experimenting, playing, living, creating…whatever we want to do but just for ourselves – not others. The more a Projector nurtures themselves, the more invitations they receive. To understand this paradox, Projectors have to experiment for themselves. (If you are a fellow Projector in need of guidance, please contact me. I am a 6/2 Splenic Projector and have first-hand experience in understanding our unique, bad-ass energy type!)
When a Projector is in following their Strategy and Authority, they will experience Success and/or feel Successful. Projectors are wired to “see” in unique ways others are not. Projectors are the guides of energy – intuitively seeing more efficient, effective, and all-around better ways for others to use their energy, gifts, and strengths. This unique strength gives Projectors a super-power to create Success wherever their effort and focus is welcomed.
When a Projector is not following their Strategy and Authority, they will have a tendency towards experiencing feelings of Bitterness. When a Projector has not Waited for an Invitation (their Strategy), they have expended energy where it was not invited. As one of the two non-energy types (Projectors and Reflectors), a Projector’s energy is a limited resource. When their energy has been shared but not appreciated or acknowledged, the Projector may feel used or devalued, leading to Bitterness.
Projectors are one of the three Energy Types with an undefined Sacral Center. Additionally, a Projector will not have a Throat Center directly connected to the Solar Plexus center, Heart/Ego/Will center, or Root center (motor centers). If the Throat Center directly connects to a motor center (and the Sacral Center is still undefined), you get a Manifestor instead of Projector.
Unlike 66% of the world’s population, Projectors have an undefined Sacral center (Manifestors and Reflectors also have an undefined Sacral center). To rest and wind down for sleep, a Projector will benefit from laying in bed about an hour before sleeping, taking this time to read, relax, even doom-scroll…as long as they are alone and in their own aura, and not sharing their gifts or focus with others. Projectors are one of the energy types that benefits significantly to sleeping completely alone.