Do you have Gate 3 activated in your chart? If so, your experiences drive your creative process and inspire you to bring solutions and change into the world. You can see through the fog and bring innovation to “the norm” – which is way overdue for an update.
The Gift of Innovation can show up in different ways. Individually, it can look like creativity, ingenuity, creative problem-solving, improvising…MacGyver-ing it. This gift can also work its magic in groups, showing up as collaboration, synergy, or cooperation.
Your experiences, challenges, and frustrations are not random. They are a signal. You are uniquely wired to pick up that problem on your radar. Why? Because you are wired to solve it!
In the traditional definition, Gate 3 is also called the Gate of Ordering: Difficulty at the Beginning. It represents the initial challenges and obstacles encountered when starting a new project or adventure. It signifies the need to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of difficulties. Resiliency!
Gate three is located in the Sacral Center. The sun activates it around April 16-21 every year. Therefore, it bridges the transition between Taurus and Aries.
If you do not have Gate 3 activated in your birth chart, you will receive it several times every year through transit activations. Additionally, you may experience activation of Human Design Gate 3 through connection. This means being around someone else who does have Gate 3 activated in their birth chart.
So, if you need an innovative boost or a creative solution, find someone who has this gate activated in their chart and enjoy the synergy!
Do you have Gate 3 Activated in your Chart?
This means you have consistent access to the gate’s energy. As with all activations, check 3 things to better understand how this gate may be showing up in you:
- PLACEMENT: Is it on the left or right side of your chart? It can be on the Personality (right) side of your chart, or on the Design (left) side of your chart. Sometimes it is on both sides!
- HOW MANY: times is Gate 3 activated in your chart? One activation is typical, two is common, three is significant, and four or more is extraordinary!
- LINE(S): Which Line(s) is your gate activated in? The “Line” is the number after the decimal place. Gate 3.1 would be Gate 3, Line 1. Each line is a unique nuance of that energy.