Alchemy South

Gate 8:


Unpredictable Uniqueness, Disruptor, Free-Thinking, Transformational Differentness, Marketeer

Human Design Gate 1 and Gate 8 Channel 1-8

Human Design Gate 8: Individuality

Deep sense of worth realized in contributing individual efforts to group goals. This is the gate of the individual contribution to the whole. Human Design Gate 8 individuals are drawn to things that can help their community or the collective evolve and grow.

Do you have Gate 8 Activated?

With Gate 8 activated in your chart (the little number is colored in), you know what you like and what you don’t like. Period. Before a trend is popular, you may spot its potential.

Career Skills from Gate 8

This gift is powerful in the curation of talent, products, ideas, and media. You may have a unique sense of style or taste that you take pride in. You are a natural promoter, and people value your recommendations. Your opinions and perspective are unique and may not be well-received in static environments. Learning how to present your ideas and embody your gift can help reduce the resistance you may feel in the professional world. In contrast, in future-thinking, innovative organizations, you may feel like a valuable asset.

Example of Gate 8 Energy

Imagine that a group of tourists are lost on an excursion, the 8th gate does not lead either logically (“I think, it’s that way” Gate 31: Influence) nor abstractly (“I remember, it was this way” Gate 33: Retreat), it can only act as an example. The 8th gate stands up, gets everybody’s attention and says, “I know, I can find the way” and leaves. Those who wish to take the chance and follow are welcomed and if no one takes heed, the knower will go on alone.

The contribution of the Individual can never be pressed onto the collective.

Human Design Gate 1 and Gate 8 Channel 1-8
Gate 8 Themes:
Unpredictable Uniqueness, Disruptor, Free-Thinking, Transformational Differentness, Marketeer
Gate 8 Channel(s):

Coming soon.

Energy Circuit

Coming soon.

Location: Energy Center

Each Gate has six “lines”. They are represented by the number after the decimal for each gate (3.4, 10.2, 41.3, etc.).

Each Line carries a different “flavor” of a gate’s energy. The Lines are determined by the precise planetary placements on your bodygraph chart. Some placements can change lines every 12 minutes!

The 6 Lines are derived from the Chinese I’Ching’s Hexagrams.

Lines 1, 2, and 3 are energies for more personal, individual growth.

Lines 4, 5, and 6 are energies for growth through, or for, the outside world.

The Lines of Gate 8

Line 1: Honesty

Coming soon.

Line 2: service

Coming soon.

Line 3: Duplicity

Line 4: Respect

Coming soon.

Line 5: Refinement

Coming soon.

Line 6: Communion

Coming soon.

Gate 8 Hexagram

from the Chinese I'Ching

Human Design Gate 8 Hexagram I'Ching

Placements + Planets


Life Force / Personality Expression

Life Theme, Who We "Are", What We "Do"

Personality Side: How we express our “light” in the world.

Design Side: Inherited life theme from the father’s lineage.


Grounding / Balance / Stability

How we Integrate Energy from our Sun Gates

How we find balance and integrate our Personality Sun placement.

How we integrate energy from our Design Sun placement and find stability.

North Node

Future Direction / Environment

change in mindset over time, our evolution

How you see the world and yourself. How you frame your environment and the people in it.


experiences in life / outlook / past

change in mindset over time, our evolution

How you see the world and yourself. How you frame your environment and the people in it.


Driving force

What We need to feel happy, safe, secure

How we use and direct our energy. The reflection of our inner-self that is perceived by others.


Communication / curiousity

what you're here to communicate

Personality Side: insight into what you need to communicate in this life.

Design Side: seemingly random things you communicate to strangers


Values / Sociology

our values and personal "way of life"

Representation of love and beauty.

Our personal moral compass for how we deal with others and the world.

Connected with Jupiter and Saturn.


nature / action / raw power

Growth Areas to gain wisdom

Our determination, drive, motivation, and actions. Uncontrollable way of acting in situations of pressure, conflict, or stress.


personal code / expansion

New Opportunities

Jupiter turns Venus’ values into laws. By following our Strategy and Authority and keeping our personal laws (Venus placements), we find fulfillment. Enforced by Saturn.


discipline / challenges


Areas where we find resistance, limitations, and challenges – areas of correction, pointing out misalignment with our personal laws (Venus and Jupiter).


Unusualness / Chaos + Order

What makes you "weird"
Revolution, change, transition, instability, and individuality. Our rebellious quality that makes us different from others. How we express our unique eccentricity.


Imagination + Spirituality + Magic

Embrace mystery & believe in the impossible

Release what you believe to be true. Allow yourself to believe the unbelievable to fulfill the potential of this gate.


Truth and Transformation

how we discover our truest self
Our deepest truth hidden within. How we grow and evolve. It is all about rebirth and transformation.
Human Design Gate 1 and Gate 8 Channel 1-8


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