For Projectors, this “Not-Self” theme warns them that their energy is not being used in the right places. Feelings of “bitterness” may show up as feeling depleted, drained, or devalued. Feelings of low self-worth or injustice may feel very familiar to Projectors. Bitterness can sound like “it’s not fair” or “why has God abandoned me?” This intense feeling is your soul trying to get your attention to make some changes, ASAP, before burnout hits you…hard.
For Projectors, this “Not-Self” theme warns them that their energy is not being used in the right places. Feelings of “bitterness” may show up as feeling depleted, drained, or devalued. Feelings of low self-worth or injustice may feel very familiar to Projectors. Bitterness can sound like “it’s not fair” or “why has God abandoned me?” This intense feeling is your soul trying to get your attention to make some changes, ASAP, before burnout hits you…hard.