Alchemy South


How you learn and how you walk your life path

Human Design Profile Line 6

6 / 3

Human Design Profile Line 3

The Role Model + The Experimenter

The Two Parts of the 6/3 Profile

The Role Model + The Experimenter

Human Design Profile Line 6

Line 6 - The Role Model:

Personality / Conscious Mind

(known, accessible part of "you")

Characteristics of Line 6 Profiles in Human Design, the “Role Model”:

  1. Three Life Phases: The life of a Line 6 individual is typically divided into three distinct phases. The first phase (up to around age 30) is characterized by trial and error, similar to the Line 3 experience. The second phase is a period of observation and reflection, where they step back from the intensity of the first phase. In the third phase, which begins around the age of 50, they emerge as role models and wise gurus, integrating their lifetime experiences and wisdom.
  2. Natural Role Models: In their third phase (age 50+), Line 6’s are seen as natural role models. They possess deep wisdom and a broad perspective on life. Their wisdom is gained through a lifetime of diverse experiences and deep reflection.
  3. Objective and Detached Perspective: They often have an objective and detached perspective, especially in the second phase of their life. This allows them to observe and understand life deeply without getting overly involved.
  4. Wise and Philosophical: Line 6 profiles tend to be wise and philosophical, offering insights that are based on a comprehensive understanding of the human experience.
  5. Idealistic Yet Practical: They often hold idealistic views but are also grounded in reality. Their experiences in the first phase of their life provide them with a practical understanding of how the world works.
  6. Influence through Example: Instead of actively seeking to lead or guide, Line 6 individuals tend to influence others by being themselves and living their truth. Just living life their way inspires others.
  7. Healing and Recovery: The transition between the first and second phases often involves healing and recovery, as they detach from the trial and error of their earlier years.
  8. Balanced and Holistic Approach: In their later years, they embody a balanced and holistic approach to life, integrating their experiences, wisdom, and observations.

In Human Design, the Line 6 profile is one of the six line profiles, each representing different life themes and approaches. The Role Model’s approach is marked by a distinct three-phase life process, transitioning from experiential learning to observation and ultimately to embodying wisdom and serving as an example for others. Their journey is about evolving wisdom and imparting it through their way of living.

Human Design Profile Line 3

Line 3 - The Experimenter:

Design / Unconscious Mind

(unknown, mysterious part of "you")​

Common characteristics of Line 3’s in Human Design, the “Martyr” or “Experimenter”:

  1. Trial and Error: Individuals with a Line 3 profile (1/3, 3/5, 6/3 Profiles) are the experimenters of our world. They learn best through a process of trial and error, often by making mistakes and learning from them.
  2. Adaptable + Resilient: Due to their experiential learning style, Line 3’s are highly adaptable and resilient. They are not discouraged by failures but see them as opportunities to learn and grow.
  3. Practical: People with this profile tend to be practical and realistic. They are more interested in what works in real life rather than theoretical or abstract concepts.
  4. Innate Skepticism: They often have an innate skepticism and like to test theories or ideas for themselves rather than taking them at face value.
  5. Discovery Through Experience: They often need to go through things personally to understand them fully. The Martyr/Explorer discovers who they are and what works for them through experiences. If they haven’t lived it, it doesn’t count!
  6. Frequent Changes: Their lives may involve frequent changes or shifts as they move through different experiences and learn new things about themselves and the world.
  7. Relatable + Grounded: Their experiences make them relatable and grounded, often able to share useful advice based on their real-world adventures.
  8. Sustainability: They learn to look for methods, relationships, and paths that are sustainable and work long-term, learning from what hasn’t worked in the past.

The Line 3’s approach to life is an experiential and pragmatic path. They learn through directly engaging with the world.

of the world shares this profile
5 %

My Personal Perspective

The 6/3 Profile

Content Coming Soon!

Famous 6/3 Profiles

  • Dan Rather
  • Farrah Fawcett
  • Harrison Ford
  • Matt Damon
  • Rock Hudson
  • Serena Williams
  • Steve Jobs

6/3 traits + qualities

"The Role Model + The Experimenter"

  • Administrator
  • Optimist
  • Peacemaker
  • Role Model
  • Sage
  • Wise

  • Adventurous
  • Naturally curious
  • Interesting
  • Well-liked
  • Trail + Error learner
  • Adaptive
  • Mutator
  • Experiential
  • “Mad” Scientist

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